In addition to providing custom solutions to our clients, we also stock a range of equipment and machinery available for purchase and immediate shipping. Our inventory is dynamic and is changing constantly. Browse our inventory of equipment below and inquire about an item of your choice. Can’t find what you are looking for? We can help you source the exact equipment for your needs. Send us your inquiry and we will be happy to help you find what you need.

Blank & Cup Press (100/70T)
Rate: Up to 1800 cups/min.

Pistol Case Forming Press
Rate: Up to 250 ppm.

Bullet Assembly Machine
Rate: Up to 250 ppm.

Primer Insertion & Varnishing Machine
Rate: Up to 250 ppm.

Loading & Assembly Machine
Rate: Up to 250 ppm.

Primer & Mouth Varnishing Machine
Rate: Up to 250 ppm.