The Waterbury Farrel Primer Insertion & Varnishing Machine, designed based on a rotary style system, precisely inserts, crimps and varnishes primers and case mouth. The process involves case feeding, case check, flash hole check, primer feeding, primer insertion & seating, primer orientation verification, primer crimping, explosion/burning verification, primer depth check, primer sealant dispensing, mouth lacquering, inspection for varnishing, primer sealant curing etc. before ejecting acceptable primer inserted and varnished cases. The rated output for pistol and small ammunition rifle caliber is up to 250 cases per minute.

The Waterbury Farrel Cartridge Loading and Assembly Machine for small arms ammunition is an electrically driven rotary style automatic machine. It fills the primed cases with propellant, inserts & crimps the bullets and finally ejects the acceptable assembled cartridges. The Cartridge Loading and Assembly Machine automatically weeds out the cases with improper mouth, not enough propellant, cartridges whose dimensions/profile exceed or fall short of specification limits. The design allows for smooth operation at a very high production rate. The high accuracy operations performed on each multiple tool turret gives a very high production rate. The process involves case inspection, propellant dosing and dispensing, propellant level checking, bullet insertion, bullet seating, crimping, overall height/shoulder height/cartridge, overall shape inspection etc.